Zombie Painting

Posted by Josh On May - 31 - 2007

Zombie painting fans at comic book shop for opening of zombie horror flick

Body Casting With Silicone

Posted by Josh On March - 14 - 2008

A photo essay of body casting for an off-Broadway play

Check out the new site, 2.0!

Posted by NYC Special Effects Makeup On 1:58 PM 0 comments
My friend SuperMunk finished doing the mods for this layout. More will be added later but for now, it is a major step up to what i had before.

I have a large cache of media I will be adding to the archives for the next few weeks but it'll be awhile as I am engrossed in new projects.

For anybody I've ever worked with, I'd love to add your film/ project to my site.

  • If you've uploaded to YouTube/ Veoh/ Vimeo/ etc. please send me a link
  • If you've won awards for your films, please send me a link or press kit
  • If you've uploaded on-set photos to your Flickr account, send me the link
  • If you've been a great assistant, send me your info so I can properly credit you

As I've said before, feel free to backlink from your respective sites; much obligued. And feel free to follow me on my new Twitter account. That's it for now.

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