Zombie Painting

Posted by Josh On May - 31 - 2007

Zombie painting fans at comic book shop for opening of zombie horror flick

Body Casting With Silicone

Posted by Josh On March - 14 - 2008

A photo essay of body casting for an off-Broadway play

Body Casting with Silicone

Posted by NYC Special Effects Makeup On 4:28 AM
Last January I had the opportunity to work with a material called Dragon Skin. It's high grade silicone used for making masks and prosthetic appliances for special effects by some Hollywood pros. It casts beautifully and if you were to check it, it feels very much like real flesh and catches all the imprints and lines from your skin. I was asked to make two heads and one arm, to simulate decapitation and dismemberment as the theme of an off-off-Broadway musical. Photos I took of my work below:

The other moldmaker for this project, Strongvillage, painstakingly filling the interior cavity of mold with the Dragon Skin. Must pay attention to filling ear, nose, chin areas and other grooves as material can grow bubbles and never fill to edges.

Head casts sitting as silicone material dries within.

One of the actor's of whom we took a headcast.

Silicone head of same actor. This one came right out of the mold.

The silicone head with makeup coloration and wig attachment.

Silicone head of the other actress. I don't have her photo unfortunately.

The mold for the arm.

Silicone arm right out of mold.

Finished painted silicone arm complete with bloody bones and fingernails.

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