Zombie Painting

Posted by Josh On May - 31 - 2007

Zombie painting fans at comic book shop for opening of zombie horror flick

Body Casting With Silicone

Posted by Josh On March - 14 - 2008

A photo essay of body casting for an off-Broadway play

MOVIE RELEASE EVENT- @ Forbidden Planet! NYC

Posted by NYC Special Effects Makeup On 11:28 AM 1 comments
On June 5th, I was asked to do zombie makeup for famed comic book store Forbidden Planet NYC (Broadway & 13th st. in New York City) in lieu of the screening of the Sundance Film hit Fido.

Fido is a comedy film about a civil society in a parallel world set in a 1950's era where everyone has controlled zombies to do their chores and menial tasks for them. Until hell breaks loose...

And in celebration of the film, brave moviegoers came in to the shop and had zombie makeup done by yours truly and with help from great assistants. (makeup courtesy of Halloween Adventure)

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Me at work on zombifying a victim.

To see more zombies, click on the banner below.

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